Bergens Tidende er Europavinner i avisdesign

I den 24. European Newspaper Award deltok 138 aviser fra 22 land med totalt over 4000 bidrag. Bergens Tidende får utmerkelsen European Newspaper of the Year i kategorien regionavis.
I den 24. European Newspaper Award deltok 138 aviser fra 22 land med totalt over 4000 bidrag. Bergens Tidende får utmerkelsen European Newspaper of the Year i kategorien regionavis.
Flere norske aviser henter hjem priser i konkurransen: Adresseavisen, Børsen Dagbladet, Fanaposten, Hallingdølen og Stavanger Aftenblad. Hallingdølen som gikk til topps i kategorien beste lokalavis i fjor, er også blant de beste i hele fem kategorier i år.
Dette skriver juryen om Bergens Tidende:
"In Bergens Tidende it is immediately noticeable that there is a clear order: big stories are at the beginning of a section. They run across the double page and always have a single large picture. Normal department pages have much smaller pictures. In this way, the readers are automatically guided through the newspaper: They recognise the important topics by the hierarchy in the layout. Highlights are set by double pages, where a topic is presented with perfect visualisation and very well balanced white space.
BT Magasinet is published on Saturdays. This supplement on thicker newsprint is used by the editors to present long photo reports. The page layout is picture-oriented and has a lot of white space.
Conclusion: This newspaper always looks generous. Working with white space is deeply embedded in this editorial team."
Pressemedlingen fra European newspaper Award
Prisutdelingen skjer i Wien på European Newspaper Congress 21. og 22. juni.